Update Your System: Begin by updating your server’s package list and upgrading existing packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Install Dependencies: Install essential packages such as Git, Curl, and others:
sudo apt install git curl -y
Install Docker: Set up Docker on your server by following these commands:
curl -fsSL <https://get.docker.com> -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Install Docker Compose: Install Docker Compose to manage multi-container applications:
sudo curl -L "<https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.5.0/docker-compose-$>(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Clone the Bool Node Repository: Get the latest version of the Bool node software by cloning the official repository:
git clone <https://github.com/BoolNetwork/BoolNode.git>
cd BoolNode
Generate Node Keys: Generate your node’s private and public keys. This step is crucial for your node’s identity on the network:
./bool-node keys generate
Edit Configuration Files: Configure your node by editing the provided config files:
with your node’s settings, including peer connections and RPC settings.validator.toml
with your validator’s name, public key, and commission rate.Initialize the Node: Initialize the node to set up directories and files:
./bool-node init --name "A3 Shark"
Launch the Node: Start the node using Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
This command will launch your node in detached mode, allowing it to run in the background.
Check Node Status: Ensure your node is running correctly by checking its logs:
docker logs -f bool-node
Join the Bool Network: To join the network, submit your validator details and stake your tokens:
./bool-node tx staking create-validator --amount=1000bool --pubkey=$(./bool-node tendermint show-validator) --moniker="A3 Shark" --chain-id=bool-mainnet